Avslutade forskningsprojekt
Institutionen för kultrugeografi och ekonomisk geografi:
- ASG Commons and Commoning: Human rights and Sustainability.
- Bostadsbränder i storstadsområden – rumsliga skillnader och brandsäkerhetsarbete i den socialt fragmenterade staden
- Cluster life cycles (CIRCLE)
- Commercialising the Countryside
- Djuret satt på undantag: En undersökning av in vitro-köttets politiska ekologi
- Enabling the transition to a bio-economy: innovation system dynamics and policy
- Exploring challenges for New Big Science: The realization of ESS and MAX IV in Lund
- Inför hotet om stigande havsnivåer
- Jordbrukets strukturomvandling i Vietnam
- Knowledge about the role of the garden in the own-your-own-home movement in Sweden 1905-1936
- Konsekvenser av AIDS-epidemin i Tanzania
- LETS 2050
- M-databas - en forskningsdatabas vid Malmö Högskola och Lunds Universitet
- Modeller för lokal utveckling
- Next generation regional innovation policy (CIRCLE)
- Role of demonstration projects in innovation: transition to sustainable energy and transport
- SEFIRA: Socio-economic implications for individual responses to air pollution policies in EU +27
- Sociala risker, civilsamhällets omvandling och strategisk riskhantering
- Socio-spatial transformations in the area of Korup National Park in Cameroon
- Sustainable Management of Water Resources under Climate Change to Alleviate Poverty in the Lake Chad Basin
- Sustainable Welfare
- Swedish regional economic growth in a European perspective
- Technology Opportunities in Nordic Energy System Transitions
- The Metropolitan corridor revisited
- The challenge of globalization: Technology driven foreign direct investment (TFDI) and its implications for the negotiation of international (bi- and multilateral) investment agreements
- UrbanData2Decide - Integrated Data Visualisation and Decision Making Solutions to Forecast and Manage Complex Urban Challenges
- What is driving unsustainable bushmeat hunting in Cross River State, Nigeria? Urban market or local peoples’ livelihoods?
Humanekologiska avdelningen:
- Degrowth
- FoodDiversity Pre-Study Project
- HEAT: What are the impacts and solutions of increasing heat on humans and ecosystems?
- Indigenous peoples and climate change
- Intensive Cultivation without State and Population Pressure
- Participatory Assessment of Sustainable Scenarios for Himalayan Pastoralism
- Power, Land, and Materiality
- Sustainable Development as a Problem of Global Distribution
- Tanzania 1850-2000
- The Prehistory of Amazonian Languages
- The Östarp Project