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Här publiceras information om tid, plats och ämne för kommande doktorandseminarier.

Doktorandseminarier hösten 2023, KEG/HEK: 

5 October 2023, 13:00. Andreas Erlström (KEG), mid-term seminar:
Title: Geographical Processes and the Spatiality of Economic Inequality: A Study on The Multiplicity of Scale and its Relation to Patterns of Economic Inequality in Sweden
Discussant: Rachel Franklin (School of Geography, Politics and Sociology, Newcastle University)
Venue: “Sky High” (Sölvegatan 10, 5th floor)

11 October 2023, 10:15. Daisy Charlesworth (KEG), mid-term seminar:
Title: The political malleability of housing cooperativism: Exploring the relationship between housing cooperativism, state, and market in Finland
Discussant: Lorenzo Vidal
Venue: “Utopia” (Sölvegatan 10, 3rd floor)

20 October 2023, 10:15. Maxime Rushemuka (KEG), mid-term seminar:
Title: What regulates labour: labour mobilization amid the formalisation of the small-scale mining sector in Rwanda
Discussant: Cristiano Lanzano (Nordic Africa Institute, Uppsala University)
Venue: Utopia” (Sölvegatan 10, 3rd floor)

8 December 2023, 10:00. Mathilde Martin (KEG), final seminar:
Title: The peri-urban revolution: production, contestation, and transformation of the peri-urban life in France
Discussant: Claire Hancock (Laboratoire d’Urbanisme, Université Paris Est Créteil)
Venue: “Rio” (Sölvegatan 10, 4th floor)

För fler event, se vårt kalendarium.