- Undervisar på 6 kurser
- Kursansvarig på 7 kurser
Ola Hall är lektor vid institutionen och undervisar huvudsakligen inom området geografisk informationsbehandling eller GIS. Min forskning handlar mycket om nya metoder och datakällor inom samhällsvetenskap och samhällsgeografisk analys. Till exempel använder vi satellitdata (nighttime lights) för att mäta global ekonomisk utveckling (Keola, Andersson och Hall, 2015). Resultaten kan ha stor betydelse i länder med svagt utvecklad offentlig statistik eller diktaturer med svåråtkomlig eller obefintlig information
Nytt sätt att använda satellitbilder visar tillväxt i Nordkorea
Motsvarande data har vi även använt för att studera befolkningsförändringar i Europa. Vi har också tydligt visat att ”nighttime lights” har brister, särskilt i fattigare jordbruksekonomier. Vi kompletterar därför våra modeller med annan satellitdata som innehåller information över jordbrukets förändringar och tillstånd.
Jag är även institutionens skyddsombud samt samhällsvetenskapliga fakultetens huvudskyddsombud. Som sådant bevakar jag arbetsmiljöfrågor.
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
A decade of maize yield gap studies in sub-Saharan Africa: how are farm-level factors considered?
Ola Hall, Ibrahim Wahab, Sigrun Dahlin, Per Hillbur, Magnus Jirström, et al.
(2024) International Journal of Agricultural Sustainability, 22
Artikel i tidskriftHow AI ‘sees’ the world – what happened when we trained a deep learning model to identify poverty
Ola Hall, Hamid Sarmadi, Thorsteinn Rognvaldsson
(2023) The Conversation
Artikel i tidskriftA review of machine learning and satellite imagery for poverty prediction: Implications for development research and applications
Ola Hall, Francis Dompae, Ibrahim Wahab, Fred Mawunyo Dzanku
(2023) Journal of International Development, 35 p.1753-1768
Artikel i tidskriftModels for Non-Modelers : Understanding the Use of Models for Social Scientists and Others
Göran Djurfeldt, Ola Hall
BokTowards Explaining Satellite Based Poverty Predictions with Convolutional Neural Networks
Hamid Sarmadi, Thorsteinn Rognvaldsson, Nils Roger Carlsson, Mattias Ohlsson, Ibrahim Wahab, et al.
(2023) 2023 IEEE 10th International Conference on Data Science and Advanced Analytics, DSAA 2023 - Proceedings
Konferensbidrag"The maize is the cost of the farming, and cassava is our profit": Smallholders' perceptions and attitudes to poor crop patches in the Eastern region of Ghana
Ibrahim Wahab, Ola Hall, Magnus Jirström
(2022) Agriculture & Food Security, 11
Artikel i tidskriftThe geography of connectivity : a review of mobile positioning data for economic geography
Andreas Erlström, Ola Hall, Markus Grillitsch
(2022) Journal of Geographical Systems, 24 p.679-707
Artikel i tidskriftA review of explainable AI in the satellite data, deep machine learning, and human poverty domain
Ola Hall, Mattias Ohlsson, Thorsteinn Rögnvaldsson
(2022) Patterns, 3
Artikel i tidskriftThe use of drones in the spatial social sciences
Ola Hall, Ibrahim Wahab
(2021) Drones, 5
Artikel i tidskriftA pixel level evaluation of five multitemporal global gridded population datasets : a case study in Sweden, 1990–2015
Maria Francisca Archila Bustos, Ola Hall, Thomas Niedomysl, Ulf Ernstson
(2020) Population and Environment, 42 p.255-277
Artikel i tidskriftSustainable agricultural intensification in four Tanzanian villages—a view from the ground and the sky
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Ola Hall, Aida Isinika, Elibariki Msuya, Genesis Tambang Yengoh
(2020) Sustainability (Switzerland), 12
Artikel i tidskriftAn integrated approach to unravelling smallholder yield levels : The case of small family farms, eastern region, Ghana
Ibrahim Wahab, Magnus Jirström, Ola Hall
(2020) Agriculture, 10
Artikel i tidskriftPopulation centroids of the world administrative units from nighttime lights 1992-2013
Ola Hall, Maria Francisca Archila Bustos, Niklas Boke-Olén, Thomas Niedomysl
(2019) Scientific Data, 6
Artikel i tidskriftMicro-Spatial Analysis of Maize Yield Gap Variability and Production Factors
Sussy Munialo, Ola Hall, Niklas Boke-Olén, Cecilia Onyango M., Willis Oluoch-Kosura, et al.
(2019) Agriculture, 9
Artikel i tidskriftHow Data-Poor Countries Remain Data Poor: Underestimation of Human Settlements in Burkina Faso as Observed from Nighttime Light Data
Ola Hall, Maria Francisca Archila Bustos, Magnus Andersson
(2019) ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 8
Artikel i tidskriftClassification of Maize in Complex Smallholder Farming Systems Using UAV Imagery
Ola Hall, Sigrun Dahlin, Håkan Marstorp, Maria Archila, Ingrid Öborn, et al.
(2018) Drones, 2 p.1-8
Artikel i tidskriftAgrarian Change and Structural Transformation: Drivers and Distributional Outcomes
Agnes Andersson Djurfeldt, Göran Djurfeldt, Ola Hall, Maria Francisca, Archila Bustos
(2018) Agriculture, Diversification, and Gender in Rural Africa: Longitudinal Perspectives from Six Countries , p.113-113
Del av eller Kapitel i bokRemote sensing of yields : Application of UAV imagery-derived ndvi for estimating maize vigor and yields in complex farming systems in Sub-Saharan Africa
Ibrahim Wahab, Ola Hall, Magnus Jirström
(2018) Drones, 2
Artikel i tidskriftUsing panel survey and remote sensing data to explain yield gaps for maize in sub-Saharan Africa
Göran Djurfeldt, Ola Hall, Magnus Jirström, Maria Archila, Björn Holmquist, et al.
(2018) Journal of Land Use Science, 13 p.344-357
Artikel i tidskriftUsing Satellite Data on Nighttime Lights Intensity to Estimate Contemporary Human Migration Distances
Thomas Niedomysl, Ola Hall, Maria Archila, Ulf Ernstson
(2017) Annals of the Association of American Geographers, 107 p.591-605
Artikel i tidskriftExplaining changes in maize yields among smallholders in sub-Saharan Africa with survey and remote sense data
Göran Djurfeldt, Ola Hall, Maria Archila, Björn Holmquist, Sultana Nasrin, et al.
Working paperData Descriptor : High-resolution African population projections from radiative forcing and socio-economic models, 2000 to 2100
Niklas Boke-Olén, Hakim Abdi, Ola Hall, Veiko Lehsten
(2017) Scientific Data, 4
Artikel i tidskriftThe challenge of comparing crop imagery over space and time
Ola Hall, Maria Archila
(2016) ICT Update , p.14-15
Artikel i tidskriftMonitoring Economic Development from Space: Using Nighttime Light and Land Cover Data to Measure Economic Growth
Souknilanh Keola, Magnus Andersson, Ola Hall
(2015) World Development, 66 p.322-334
Artikel i tidskriftAssessing Recovery from the 2004 Indian Ocean Tsunami: An Application of Night-time Light Data and Vegetation Index
Magnus Andersson, Ola Hall, Maria Archila
(2015) Geographical Research, 53 p.436-450
Artikel i tidskriftNighttime lights and population changes in Europe 1992–2012
Maria Archila, Ola Hall, Magnus Andersson
(2015) Ambio: a Journal of Human Environment, 44 p.653-665
Artikel i tidskriftMining, Economic Activity and Remote Sensing : Case studies from Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali and Tanzania
Magnus Andersson, Ola Hall, Niklas Boke-Olén
(2015) CSAE Conference 2015: Economic Development in Africa , p.1-42
KonferensbidragDoes Large-Scale Gold Mining Reduce Agricultural Growth? : Case studies from Burkina Faso, Ghana, Mali and Tanzania
Magnus Andersson, Ola Hall, Niklas Boke-Olén, Anja Tolonen
(2015) Annual World Bank Conference on Land and Poverty 2015 : Linking Land Tenure and Use for Shared Prosperity , p.1-27
KonferensbidragCauses and Consequences of Stakeholder Participation in Natural Resource Management: Evidence from 143 Biosphere Reserves in Fifty-Five Countries.
Ola Hall, Andreas Duit
(2014) State and Environment: The Comparative Study of Environmental Governance
Del av eller Kapitel i bokGeographic and Temporal Scales of Monitoring Development from Space
Magnus Andersson, Souknilanh Keola, Ola Hall
Konferensbidrag: abstractM-databas – en forsknings- och geodatabas vid Malmö Högskola och Lunds Universitet.
Nicklas Guldåker, Ola Hall, Mona Tykesson
ÖvrigtMapping the Politics of Ecology: Environmental Politics and Policy in a Comparative Perspective
Ola Hall, Andreas Duit
BokFrom Census to Grids: Comparing the Gridded Population of the World with Swedish Census Records
Ola Hall, Emilie Stroh, Fredy Paya
(2012) The Open Geography Journal, 5 p.1-5
Artikel i tidskriftRemote Sensing in Social Science Research
Ola Hall
(2010) The Open Remote Sensing Journal, 3 p.1-16
Artikel i tidskriftThe emergence and spread of tick-borne encephalitis virus in scandinavia
Ola Hall, Helena Eriksson, Peter Nolskog, Tomas Bergström
(2010) [Host publication title missing]
KonferensbidragSaving the woodpeckers: Social Capital, Governance, and Policy performance
Ola Hall, Andreas Duit, Gregorz Mikusinski, Per Angelstam
(2009) The Journal of Environment & Development, 18 p.42-61
Artikel i tidskriftWorld poverty, environmental vulnerability and population at risk for natural hazards
Ola Hall, Andreas Duit, Leandro NC Caballero
(2008) Journal of Maps, 4 p.151-160
Artikel i tidskriftCharacterization and quantification of data voids in the shuttle radar topography mission data
Ola Hall, Giacomo Falorni, Rafael L Bras
(2005) Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters, IEEE, 2 p.177-181
Artikel i tidskriftMultiscale object-specific analysis: Scale problems and multiscale solutions
Ola Hall, Geoffrey J Hay, Danielle J Marceau
(2004) Geoinformatics 2004 : - Proc. 12th International Conference on Geoinformatices, University of Gävle, Sweden , p.7-9
KonferensbidragDetecting dominant landscape objects through multiple scales: an integration of object-specific methods and watershed segmentation
Ola Hall, Geoffrey J Hay, André Bouchard, Danielle J Marceau
(2004) Landscape Ecology, 19 p.59-76
Artikel i tidskriftA multiscale object-specific approach to digital change detection
Ola Hall, Geoffrey J Hay
(2003) International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 4 p.311-327
Artikel i tidskriftIntroduktion till Kartografi och geografisk information
Ola Hall, Göran Alm, Stefan Ene, Ulf Jansson
BokA method for landscape regionalization based on fuzzy membership signatures
Ola Hall, Wolter Arnberg
(2002) Landscape and Urban Planning, 59 p.227-240
Artikel i tidskrift