Pågående forskningsprojekt
Institutionen för kultrugeografi och ekonomisk geografi:
- African Urban Agriculture
- AgriFoSe2030: Agriculture for Food Security, Translating science into policy and practice
- Assessing the potential socio-economic opportunities and challenges of Bio-char adoption on small-holder farming systems
- CRUSH: Critical Urban Sustainability Hub
- CenCIP
- Co2mmunity: Co-producing and co-financing renewable community energy projects
- Cohousing and sustainable urban development
- Developed risk management and Critical Infrastructures
- Driving forces and barriers for different forms of integration processes in cross-border regions
- Extra- and intra-regional mechanisms in technology shift processes
- Forskningsinfrastruktur och komplexa geografier: Byggandet av komponenter, förmågor och samarbeten för ESS
- GONST: Where does the green economy grow? The Geography Of Nordic Sustainability Transitions
- GREENFLEET: Greening the Fleet – Sustainability Transitions in the Maritime Shipping Sector
- Green transition and co-evolution of industry and the energy system
- Local crisis – local dynamics
- REINVENT - Realising Innovation in Transitions for Decarbonisation
- ReGrow
- Residential fires in metropolitan areas - spatial differences and fire safety work in the socially fragmented city
- SME suppliers in Non-core regions - Opportunities in a Global Value Chain perspective
- STEPS – Sustainable Plastics and Transition Pathways
- Sustainable Management of Water Resources under Climate Change to Alleviate Poverty in the Lake Chad Basin
- Sustainable path creation for innovative value chains for organic waste products
- Technology shifts, structural change and long-term regional growth and decline
- The Nature of Peace: Exploring links between the natural environment and peace-building in post-conflict societies
- URB@Exp