- Undervisar på 4 kurser
- Kursansvarig på 4 kurser samt SGEK02:1 och SKEG02:2
Visar av publikationer. Sorterade efter år och sen titel.
Rescaling : Change agency and the emerging geography of economic relationships
Markus Grillitsch, Björn Asheim, Nichola Lowe, Sophie Kelmenson, Lea Fuenfschilling, et al.
(2024) Progress in Human Geography
Artikel i tidskriftFrom recipients of skills to facilitators of socially robust knowledge : Teaching students in co-generative learning and participatory methodology
Yahia Mahmoud, Axel Fredholm
(2024) Promoting Inclusion and Justice in University Teaching : A Transformative-Emancipatory Toolkit for Educators , p.101-110
Del av eller Kapitel i bokClaiming space for decolonial scholarship: Confronting epistemic exclusion in green energy colonialism
Noura Alkhalili, Muna Dajani, Yahia Mahmoud
(2023) Political Geography, 107
Artikel i tidskriftThe enduring coloniality of ecological modernization : Wind energy development in occupied Western Sahara and the occupied Syrian Golan Heights
Noura Alkhalili, Muna Dajani, Yahia Mahmoud
(2023) Political Geography, 103
Artikel i tidskriftUnderstanding users' needs is important for the adoption of cleaner biomass cook stoves
James Kinuya Gitau, Ruth Mendum, Yahia Mahmoud, Mary Njenga
Konferensbidrag: abstractSoils, sinks, and smallholder farmers: Examining the benefits of biochar energy transitions in Kenya
Yahia Mahmoud, Mary Njenga, Cecilia Sundberg, Kristina Roing de Nowina
(2021) Energy Research & Social Science, 75
Artikel i tidskriftNature unsettled: How knowledge and power shape ‘nature-based’ approaches to societal challenges
Stephen Woroniecki, Hausner Wendo, Ebba Brink, Mine Islar, Torsten Krause, et al.
(2020) Global Environmental Change, 65
Artikel i tidskriftBiochar from cookstoves reduces greenhouse gas emissions from smallholder farms in Africa
Cecilia Sundberg, Erik Karltun, James K Gitau, Thomas Kätterer, Geoffrey M. Kimutai, et al.
(2020) Mitigation and Adaptation Strategies for Global Change
Artikel i tidskriftBiochar production and application in small-scale farming in Kenya : Yield increases and local perceptions
Yahia Mahmoud, James K Gitau, Erik Karltun, Thomas Kätterer, Geoffrey Kimutai, et al.
Konferensbidrag: abstractCleaner cooking while producing biochar: factors affecting adoption of gasifier cookstoves in rural areas
James K Gitau, Mary Njenga, Ruth Mendum, Jane Mutune, Yahia Mahmoud, et al.
Konferensbidrag: abstractInnovative Biomass Cooking Approaches for sub-Saharan Africa
Mary Njenga, James K Gitau, Miyuki Iiyama, Ramni Jamnadassa, Yahia Mahmoud, et al.
(2019) African Journal of Food, Agriculture, Nutrition and Development, 19 p.14066-14087
Artikel i tidskriftConservación y desarrollo económico en el Sudoeste de Camerún : Un análisis escalar centrado en el Parque Nacional Korup
Andrea Nardi, Yahia Mahmoud
(2019) Islas de naturaleza. Perspectivas antropológicas sobre la conservación , p.255-255
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNature of Peace: An Interdisciplinary Enquiry into Research at the Intersection of Nature, Peace and Post-Conflict
Maria Andrea Nardi, Torsten Krause, Lina Eklund, Maria Ericson, Alejandro Fuentes, et al.
Konferensbidrag: abstractAt the nexus of problem-solving and critical research
Yahia Mahmoud, Anne Jerneck, Annica Kronsell, Karin Steen
(2018) Ecology and Society, 23
Artikel i tidskriftLa importancia de la escala territorial en los análisis de conservación de la biodiversidad y explotación de los recursos naturales : Una discusión a partir del Parque Nacional Korup (Camerún)
Andrea Nardi, Yahia Mahmoud
KonferensbidragQuality of charcoal produced using micro gasification and how the new cook stove works in rural Kenya
Mary Njenga, Yahia Mahmoud, Ruth Mendum, Muyiki Iiyama, Ramni Jamnadass, et al.
(2017) Environmental Research Letters, 12
Artikel i tidskriftRent gaps in the Spanish Crisis
Eric Clark, Yahia Mahmoud
(2016) Turismo y crisis, turismo colaborativo y ecoturismo. , p.31-42
KonferensbidragModernization, development studies and modernity in current African debates.
Yahia Mahmoud
(2015) The Modernist World
Del av eller Kapitel i bokAssessing the role of property rights and legal empowerment in poverty reduction
Ellen Hillbom, David Alm, Andreas Inghammar, Yahia Mahmoud
(2012) International Social Science Journal, 63
Artikel i tidskriftMitterns rikes århundrade -om Kinas ekonomiska expansion
Yahia Mahmoud
(2010) Geografiska notiser, LXVIII p.73-78
Artikel i tidskriftChinese Foreign Aid: The Tale of a Silent Enterprise
Yahia Mahmoud
(2010) Challenging the Aid Paradigm: Western Currents and Asian Alternatives , p.186-213
Del av eller Kapitel i bokNew Asian urbanism: urban restructuring and neo-liberal politics: Negotiating urban space in Shanghai
Yahia Mahmoud
KonferensbidragGlobalisation and Unequal Exchange: The Case of China in Africa
Yahia Mahmoud
KonferensbidragChinese Development Assistance and West African Agriculture: a shifting approach to foreign aid?
Yahia Mahmoud
KonferensbidragChinese Agricultural Assistance to West Africa:examples from Mauritania, Mali and Guinea
Yahia Mahmoud
KonferensbidragChinese Development Assistance and West African Agriculture : A Shifting Approach to Foreign Aid?
Yahia Mahmoud
(2007) Meddelande från Lunds universitets geografiska institution. Avhandlingar
DoktorsavhandlingGlobalisation and Economic Security in East Asia: Governance and Institutions. By Helen E.S. Nesadurai. Science, Technology & Society 12 (2): 274-277.
Yahia Mahmoud
(2007) Science Technology & Society, 12 p.274-277
BokrecensionDevelopment theories and Third World practices: an inquiry on the influences of western development thinking.
Yahia Mahmoud
KonferensbidragDeveloping locally. An international comparison of local and regional economic developmet.
Yahia Mahmoud
(2006) European Planning Studies, 14
BokrecensionChinese aid and agricultural development in West Africa: the case of M’pourie Farm in the Senegal River delta.
Yahia Mahmoud
KonferensbidragReview of M Gertler: “Manufacturing culture. The Institutional Geography of Industrial Practice”
Martin Henning, Högni Kalso Hansen, Lars Coenen, Yahia Mahmoud, Jerker Moodysson, et al.
(2005) European Planning Studies, 13
BokrecensionSino Africa relations: towards new dynamics of South-South cooperation.
Yahia Mahmoud
Working paperChinese aid and West African agricultural development: a shifting approach to foreign aid
Yahia Mahmoud
(2003) Svensk Geografisk Årsbok, 80
Artikel i tidskrift
Utvalda publikationer
Mahmoud, Y. (2015) (forthcoming) Modernization, development studies and modernity in current African debates. In: Ross & Lindgren (2015) (eds) The Modernist World. New York: Routledge.
Mahmoud et al. (forthcoming 2014). Assessing the Role of Property Rights and Legal Empowerment in Poverty Reduction. International Social Science Journal n 209/210.