After completing a phd in geography at the University of Edinburgh (2014), and spending 5 years as a Lecturer at the Political Geography unity at the University of Zürich, I started working as a Lecturer in the Development Geography group at the University of Lund in 2020, where I direct, and teach within, the LUMID programme.
My research focuses on the political economy of resource extraction and conservation that I understand to be at the core of uneven development dynamics. I situate my work within political ecology, and take an ethnographic approach to research. I am particularly interested in contexts where the state is considered weak or absent. Empirically I have worked mostly on gold mining and forest governance, as well as informal security provision in West Africa.
I am an Associate Editor of Frontiers in Environment Politics and Society, and member of the Comité de Rédaction of EchoGéo.
Past and ongoing projects include:
- "Fair gold? Institutionalising labour and environmental standards along the certified gold supply chain" (2021-2024) funded by FORMAS, together with Tongnoma Zongo at INSS Ouagadougou, Sylvie Capitant at Université I Sorbonne Paris, Leonardo Güiza-Suarez at Universidad del Rosario Bogotá, Gavin Hilson at University of Surrey. In collaboration with the Alliance for Responsible Mining, we seek to advance an understanding of "responsible mining" through cases of gold mining in Burkina Faso and Colombia.
- "Frontier settlements: Territories of artisan mining labour in Africa" (2020-2024) funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, together with Tim Raeymaekers at the Unviersity of Zürich, looking at the different ways that informal mining labour plays out in the expansion of global extravism through governance and urbanisation dynamics, with sites Burkina Faso, Zimbabwe and the DRC.
- "Security and fragile states: Spaces of vigilante legitimacy in Burkina Faso" (2017-2019) funded by the Unviersity of Zürich International Office, together with Zakaria Soré and Bouraima Zongo at the Sociology Department, Unviersity of Ouagadougou I Joseph Ki-Zerbo, looking at legitimation dynamics of non-state vigilante groups confronting top-down and "from below" approaches to security in the Sahel.
Past publications (not on LUCRIS) include:
- Côte, Muriel (2019) "Politicising the will to adapt" in Dialogues in Human Geography.
- Côte, Muriel; Wartmann, Flurina M; Purves, Ross S (2018) "The trouble with forest" in Geographica Helvetica.
- Côte, Muriel; Gautier, Denis (2018) "Fuelwood territorialities" in Geographica Helvetica.
- Côte, Muriel; Korf, Benedikt (2018) "Making concessions" in World Development.
- Côte, Muriel (2016) "After the gold rush" Political Ecology Network (POLLEN) Blog.
- Côte, Muriel (2015) ‘Authochthony, democratisation and forest: The politics of choice in Burkina Faso’ RFGI Working Paper26. University of Illinois, IUCN, CODESRIA.
- Côte, M. (2013) 'What's in a right? The liberalisation of gold mining and decentralisation in Burkina Faso' LDPI Working Paper 25. The Hague: ISS, Land Deals Politics Initiative (aussi en français).
- Polack, Emily, Cotula, Lorenzo and Muriel Côte (2013) Accountability in Africa’s land rush: what role for legal empowerment? London: IIED/IDRC (aussi en français).
- Côte, Muriel and Andrea Nightingale (2012) "Resilience thinking meets social theory" in Progress in Human Geography.
- Côte, M. (2011) 'Résister à la nouvelle course pour la terre: Vers une « écologie politique» de la question de la terre au Sahel' in Ecologie et Politique
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
”Studenternas aktivism visar en hoppfull strävan.”
Emma Eleonorasdotter, Dalia Abdelhady, David Bowling, Karin Zackari, Victor Pressfeldt, et al.
(2024) Sydsvenskan
Newspaper articleArtisanal and small-scale mining through a “labour regime” lens: Consolidating a research agenda on labour exploitation
Maxime Rushemuka, Muriel Côte
(2024) Journal of Rural Studies, 105
Journal articlePenser les villes et les citadinités par le dessin
Malou Allagnat, Dolorès Sophie Nadine Bertrais, Émilie Guitard, Muriel Côte
(2024) ÉchoGéo, 67
Journal articleResistance to Extractivism-Induced Water Insecurity. Does Gender Have a Role in It? A Systematic Scoping Review
Martina Angela Caretta, Muriel Côte, Vasna Ramasar, Tara Van Ryneveld, Sofia Zaragocin
(2024) Geography Compass, 18
Journal articleReview of Robyn d’Avignon, "A Ritual Geology: Gold and Subterranean Knowledge in Savanna West Africa." Durham NC and London: Duke University Press
Muriel Côte
(2024) Africa, 94 p.482-483
ReviewDiscomforts in the academy: from ‘academic burnout’ to collective mobilisation
Sunčana Laketa, Muriel Côte
(2023) Gender, Place, and Culture, 30 p.574-587
Journal articleFurious depletion—Conceptualizing artisan mining and extractivism through gender, race, and environment
Muriel Côte
(2023) Frontiers in Human Dynamics, 5
Journal articleGeographies of the Anthropocene: Race, feminism and contested histories
Andrea Joslyn Nightingale, Muriel Côte
(2023) Responding to the Anthropocene. Perspectives from twelve academic disciplines , p.171-196
Book chapterDe unga gör helt rätt när de stämmer staten
Christina Moberg, Hervé Corvellec, Anders Lindroth, Manuela Isacson, Linn Nilsson, et al.
(2022) Aftonbladet
Newspaper articleKamituga I Digital Gold
ExhibitionIntroduction : l’éthique de l’or, l’or (in)juste
Sylvie Capitant, Muriel Côte, Tongnoma Zongo
(2022) Revue Internationale des Études du Développement, 249 p.7-32
Journal articlePéril terroriste et reconfiguration des relations forces de défense et de sécurité (FDS) et groupes de vigilantism au Burkina Faso
Zakaria Soré, Muriel Côte
(2021) Crise sécuritaire dans les pays du G5 Sahel : Comprendre pour agir
Book chapterFrames of extractivism: Small-scale goldmining formalization and state violence in Colombia
Christoph Kaufmann, Muriel Côte
(2021) Political Geography, 91
Journal articlePolitiser le «vide sécuritaire» : À propos des groupes d’autodéfense koglweogo au Burkina Faso
Zakaria Soré, Muriel Côte, Bouraïman Zongo
(2021) Politique Africaine, 163 p.127-144
Journal articleCommunity-based citizenship: Autochthony and land claim politics under forest decentralization in Burkina Faso
Muriel Côte
(2020) Geoforum, 109 p.171-179
Journal articleGatekeeping Access: Shea Land Formalization and the Distribution of Market-Based Conservation Benefits in Ghana’s CREMA
Mengina Gilli, Muriel Côte, Gretchen Walters
(2020) Land, 9
Journal article