Programme Structure
LUMID focuses on two major types of learning: academic thinking based on empirical investigation and learning by doing. Subsequently, the first year courses on campus are matched with field based-courses during the second year. The programme comprises a total of 120 credits divided among nine courses over a two-year period.
LUMID from autumn term of 2024
First year campus-based courses
The first term builds the student’s foundation in development and management,through courses introducing international development and management studies,international development practice and management, and social science knowledgeproduction.
The second-term courses of the programme provide students with more in-depthexploration of specific topics and debates in the field of livelihoods, environment,urbanization, and global health, as well as consolidating development managementand research skills.
Second year field-based courses
In the third term, the field-based components of the programme focus on theapplication of knowledge acquired in the first year in an internship within variousprofessional settings connected to international development.
The last term focuses on critically and systematically integrating the knowledgeacquired in the previous semesters through collection and analysis of data, andwriting a Master Thesis on a real-world problem related to international development.The programme prepares students both for a professional career and for furtheracademic studies within the area of international development studies.
Programme Structure
Term 1
Introduction to International Development and Management, 15 credits
Development Cooperation and Practice, 7.5 credits
Theory of Science and Research Methodologies with a Focus on Development Studies, 7.5 credits
Term 2
Livelihoods, Environment and Urbanisation, 10 credits
Development Practitioner, 5 credits
Research Design and Methods in Development Studies, 7.5 credits
Term 3
Field Studies of Programme Management, 22.5 credits
Term 4
LUMID Programme until June 2023
First year campus-based courses
During the first year, LUMID students acquire knowledge through diverse academic training that enhances their knowledge, critical thinking and capacity to collect different types of data and analyze complex information. Students are also given a course in Programme Management, which specifically prepares them for planning, implementation and evaluation of development interventions.
Second year field-based courses
During the second year, LUMID students apply their academic knowledge to a field setting in two major ways: First, development management is put into practice during the on-job training in the organisation working on development issues. Second, students plan organise and carry out a field research, in a developing coutry of their choice, which serves as a base for their upcoming master's theses. LUMID students are not required to be in Lund during theses writing. Yet, they need to return to Lund in order to submit and defend their master's theses.
Programme Strucutre
Term 1
International Development Perspectives, 15 credits
Development Studies: Theory of Science and Methods, 15 credits
Term 2
Development Studies: Global Health, 7.5 credits
Development Studies: Urban and Rural Development and Livelihoods, 7.5 credits
Sustainable Development and Natural Resource Management, 7.5 credits
Development Organisations and Programme Management, 7.5 credits
Term 3
MIDM68 - Field Studies of Programme Management, 22.5 credits
MIDM38 - Field Methods, 7.5 credits
Term 4

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Please write to us at: lumid [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se (lumid[at]keg[dot]lu[dot]se)
Academic Advisor
Sanna Händén-Svensson
lumid [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se (lumid[at]keg[dot]lu[dot]se)