For our new students

Hello student!
Have you been admitted to one of our courses or programmes? On this page you will find everything you need to know before the start of the semester.
Welcome to the Department of Human Geography with the division of Human Ecology. Start by reading the checklist where we have summarised the most important information you need to start studying with us.
For international applicants
If you are offered admission after applying in an international application round (mid-October to mid-January for autumn studies or early June to mid-August for spring studies), please follow the instructions from Lund University. If you are asked to actively accept your place, you will receive a message from Lund University in your account, email and/or through this website.
Applications made in a EU/Swedish application round
If you applied in the later (Swedish/EU) application rounds (mid-March to mid-April for autumn semester studies, or mid-September to mid-October for spring semester studies), then in order to keep your place in the programme you must actively accept your offer through your account. If you do not accept your offer by the deadline, it will be given to another student. Read more about how to reply to your offer at
Here you can find more information about Admission results.
Your student account is created when you are registered as admitted to Lund University. When your student account is created, you will receive an email on how to activate it to the email address you registered when you applied to Lund University. Once you have activated your student account, it will be valid for the duration of your studies.
With the student account you can access, among other things, e-mail, access cards, several computer rooms and the libraries' online services.
If you have not received any information about your student account, contact LU Servicedesk: +46 46 222 90 00 or servicedesk [at] lu [dot] se.
Here you can read more about Lund University's student account
Our department applies online registration. This means that you as a student are responsible for registering for the course that you have been admitted to via Ladok. Online registration opens one week before the start of the course and closes on the day the course starts.
Ladok is a student record system where you can, among other things, register for a course or see your study results.
Click here to log in to Ladok
It is very important that you register online to avoid losing your place to a waiting reserve. If you wish to cancel your place instead, please do so via email to expeditionen [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se.
As a student, you can obtain a personalised access card once you have a LU account. The card will, among other things, serve as an ID card within the university and an access card to all premises you need in your programme. The card also serves as a loan card at all Lund University libraries.
Visiting address:
Geocentrum I
Sölvegatan 10
223 62 Lund, Sweden
Map link
When the semester has started, you can reach the student office at the following opening hours:
Tuesdays 13-15
Wednesdays 9-12
Telephone: +46 46-222 17 59
Telephone hours:
Tuesdays 13-15
Wednesdays 9-12
E-mail: expeditionen [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se (expeditionen[at]keg[dot]lu[dot]se)
Please note that the student office is closed during the summer.
Course literature lists are available no later than 8 weeks before the course starts. You can search for current and previous syllabuses and course literature lists in the LU Syllabus Database by searching by course code and term.
Find syllabus and course literature lists by adding your course code
Read more about course literature and get tips on how to obtain it
The course induction for each new course is mandatory. It is therefore important that you read the latest updated version of the course schedule regarding where and when your course introduction is held.
The schedule will be available on the course pages on Canvas at least 4 weeks before the course starts.
If for any reason you are unable to attend the course introduction, please contact the person responsible for the course.
Canvas is Lund University's university-wide learning platform with functionalities that support teaching and learning. All course documents (schedules, syllabi, reading lists, group divisions, assignments, etc.) and other information are uploaded to Canvas. It is also where course coordinators and teachers communicate information to students and some submission of assignments takes place. You log in to the course portal with your student account details.
LUBcat is Lund University's library catalogue. After you have created a loan account with your student account details, you can log in to LUBcat to reserve books and view your loans.
Visit LUBcat - the Lund University Library Catalogue
You can also visit one of our libraries:
Visit the Social Sciences Faculty Library
Lund University has several digital tools for holding e-meetings and online lectures. Prepare yourself by looking through the student guide for the meeting tools Zoom and Teams.
Student Office
Contact details
Email: expeditionen [at] keg [dot] lu [dot] se (expeditionen[at]keg[dot]lu[dot]se)
Phone: +46 46 222 17 59
Opening hours
Tuesdays 13.00-15.00
Wednesdays 09.00-12.00
Study advising
More information about study advising here!
Student Services
Lund University offers a range of services to facilitate day-to-day life for its international students.
Learning support for students with disabilities
At Lund University you can receive learning support to facilitate your studies.