- Head of the Department
- Teaches on 5 courses
Karl-Johan Lundquist is a professor in Human Geography and the head of department. He is since 2005 member of the board of Vetenskapssocieteten i Lund representing the faculties of Social science, Laws and School of economics and business administration in Lund. His research has been directed to fields in economic geography primarily focusing on different aspects of localization dynamics of economic activities; regional resources and international competitiveness of firms and regions; changing roles of externalities in the product life cycle, the role of new technologies and its diffusion pattern in time and space; technology shifts and regional development; regional welfare dimensions on long term structural change; and finally different aspects of growth, transport and emissions. In addition, since 2008 he has been visiting professor at Vienna school of Economics and Business working on theoretical and empirical aspects on European cross-border integration processes.
Lundquist teaching includes supervising of thesis and lectures on undergraduate, master and PhD level. His is course convener for the candidate level in economic geography and for the course in economic geography at the Candidate program in service management at Campus Helsingborg.
Current research projects
Lundquist current research activities fall mainly into three areas:
1) Explaining long term growth in regions (in cooperation with Lars-Olof Olander). Based on endogenous characteristics of regions, hierarchies and distances in regional systems and the systemic effects from national and international growth cycles and technology shifts, a conceptual framework and methods are developed to estimate expected growth in regions over time. Expected growth can be sorted out from unexpected, thereby displaying reasons for a surprising stability in regional hierarchies over long time and an understanding of mechanisms behind incremental regional change.
2) Cross-border regionalization processes (in cooperation with Michaela Trippl). This research has a special focus on innovation-driven integration processes and related policy implications. Conceptual frameworks as well as empirical analysis (comparative studies of the Centrope area and the Öresund region) has been developed and will be further developed the coming years.
3) Decomposing and forecasting freight transport CO2 emissions (in cooperation with Lars-Olof Olander and cross-disciplinary). This project focuses on the dynamic interrelations between GDP, structural change, technological factors and final effects on CO2-emissions during specific eras of economic development. Growth cycle theory is used to explain the relations between GDP variations over long time and underlying economic behavior. The aims is to find out whether this theory could contribute to the understanding of variations of GDP, freight transport work, technological investments and CO2-emissions over long time.
Displaying of publications. Sorted by year, then title.
Structural transformation, the knowledge economy, and the geography of low-income work
Alvaro von Borries, Markus Grillitsch, Karl Johan Lundquist
(2024) Journal of Economic Geography, 24 p.285-308
Journal articleAgency and economic change in regions : identifying routes to new path development using qualitative comparative analysis
Markus Grillitsch, Markku Sotarauta, Björn Asheim, Rune Dahl Fitjar, Silje Haus-Reve, et al.
(2023) Regional Studies, 57 p.453-1468
Journal articleCan foundational economy save regions in crisis?
Mikhail Martynovich, Teis Hansen, Karl-Johan Lundquist
(2023) Journal of Economic Geography, 23 p.577-599
Journal articleCan foundational economy save regions in crisis?
Mikhail Martynovich, Teis Hansen, Karl-Johan Lundquist
Working paperExplaining long-term regional growth: Towards an integrated framework
Mikhail Martynovich, Karl-Johan Lundquist
Conference paper: abstractThe technology shift thesis : Understanding long term growth and transformation in a regional system
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Mikhail Martynovich
ReportRegional analysis and the process of economic development: Changes in growth, employment and income
Martin Henning, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(2016) Routledge frontiers of political economy , p.149-173
Book chapterTechnological Change and Geographical Reallocation of Labour: On the Role of Leading Industries
Mikhail Martynovich, Karl-Johan Lundquist
(2015) Regional Studies
Journal articleTehnology Shift and Long term Growth in Regions
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Mikhail Martynovich, Lars-Olof Olander
(2015) , p.1-32
Conference paperRelatedness Fyrbodal – Østfold. Pilotstudie av gränsregionens ekonomiska komplementaritetsstruktur
Martin Henning, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Ljubica Nedelkoska
ReportTarget: Low-carbon goods transportation: A growth-dynamics perspective on logistics and goods transportation until 2050
Henrik Pålsson, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Fredrik Eng Larsson, Lena Winslott Hiselius
(2014) International Transport Forum Discussion Papers
ReportTechnology shifts and reallocation of labour: On the role of leading industries
Mikhail Martynovich, Karl-Johan Lundquist
Conference paperDistance, proximity and types of cross-border innovation systems: A conceptual analysis
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Michaela Trippl
(2013) Regional Studies, 47 p.450-460
Journal articleMot koldioxidsnåla godstransporter-tillväxtdynamiskt perspektiv på logistik och godstransporter fram till 2050 : Tillväxtdynamiskt perspektiv på logistik och godstransporter fram till 2050
Henrik Påhlsson, Fredrik Eng Larsson, Maisam Abbasi, Lars-Olof Olander, Sten Wandel, et al.
ReportExplaining and Forecasting Freight Transport CO2 Emissions: A Decomposition Model based on Growth Cycle Theory
Fredrik Eng Larsson, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Sten Wandel
(2012) Transport Policy
Journal articleExplaining the cyclic behavior of freight transport CO2-emissions in Sweden over time
Fredrik Eng Larsson, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Sten Wandel
(2012) Transport Policy, 23 p.79-87
Journal articleRegioners sårbarhet. Godstransporter, konkurrenskraft och CO2 skatter
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(2012) Research Reports in Human Geography, Department of Human Geography
ReportThe Dynamics of Agglomeration Externalities along the Life Cycle of Industries
Frank Neffke, Martin Henning, Ron Boschma, Lars-Olof Olander, Karl-Johan Lundquist
(2011) Regional Studies, 45 p.49-65
Journal articlePolicy option for constructing cross-border innovation regions
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Michaela Trippl
Conference paperGodstransporter och CO2. Ett makroperspektiv
Lars-Olof Olander, Karl-Johan Lundquist
(2011) Vägval 2050. Styrningsutmaningar och förändringsstrategier för en omställning till ett kolsnålt samhälle, LETS-rapport p.61-67
Book chapterTillväxtens cykler. Nationell omvandling och regional utveckling
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(2011) Storstäder och tillväxt. Om storstadsregioners roll, betydelse och utmaningar för hållbar ekonomisk utveckling, Geografiska regionsstudier 87
Book chapterGrowth cycles. Transformation and regional development
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(2010) SRE-DISC2010/4 , p.1-29
Conference paperTurning barriers into potentials. Policy options for cross-border innovation spaces
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Michaela Trippl
Conference paperTillväxt, cykler och kriser. Nationell omvandling och regional utveckling under tre decennier
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(2009) Rapporter och Notiser
ReportCross-border innovation spaces in Europe. A comparative analysis of the Öresundregion and the Centrope area
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Michaela Trippl, Lars Winther
Conference paperCross-border innovation spaces in Europe: A comparative analysis of the Öresund region and the Centrope area
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Michaela Trippl
(2009) IAREG
ReportEkonomisk omvandling och makrologistiska kostnader
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(2009) VINNOVA Rapport , VR 2009:17
ReportDecomposing the Technology Shift. Evidence from the Swedish Manufacturing Sector
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
(2008) Tijdschrift Voor Economische en Sociale Geografie, 99 p.145-159
Journal articleProducer Services, Growth and Roles in Long Term Economic Development
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
(2008) Service Industries Journal, 28 p.463-477
Journal articleWho Needs Agglomeration? Varying Agglomeration Externalities and the Industry Life Cycle
Frank Neffke, Martin Henning, Ron Boschma, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
Working paperSvensk makrologistik. Sammansättning och kostnadsutveckling 1997-2005
Thomas Elger, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
Working paperEvolution of Agglomeration Externalities. How Industry Life Cycles and Innovation Stages Help Explain Variations in Agglomeration Externalities
Frank Neffke, Martin Henning, Ron Boschma, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
Conference paper: abstractCreative destruction and economic welfare in Swedish regions: Spatial dimensions of structural change, growth and employment
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
(2008) SRE-Discussion, Institut für Regional- und Umweltwirtschaft, Wirtschaftsuniversität, Wien
Working paperOmvandlingens geografi. En studie i svensk ekonomi och regioners roller genom tre decennier
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
BookTracking Regional Roles during the Technology Shift. Economic Transformation and Change in Regional Division of Labour in Sweden 1974-2004
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
Conference paperRegional Industrial Renewal and Change: An Industry Life Cycle Framework Explaining Variations in Agglomeration Economies
Frank Neffke, Martin Henning, Ron Boschma, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
Working paperCreative Destruction and Economic Welfare in Swedish Regions. Spatial Dimensions of Job-Less Growth?
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
Conference paperEver Renewing Regional Economies? Producer Services and Manufacturing in the Swedish System of Regions 1978-2002
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
Conference paperProducer Services. Boosters or Followers? An Evolutionary Approach to Producer Services and Technology Shifts in Time and Space.
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
(2006) Rapporter och Notiser
ReportThe interspace between Sweden and Denmark. The industrial dynamics of the Öresund cross-border region
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars Winther
(2006) Danish Journal of Geography, 106 p.115-129
Journal articleEconomic Performance during a Technology Shift Process: The interacting Roles of Producer Services and Manufacturing in Regional Growth Trajectories
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
Conference paperRenewal and Obsolescence. An Evolutionary Perspective on Industry Growth and Regional Development in Sweden 1968-2002
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
(2005) Rapporter och Notiser
ReportI mellemrummet mellen Danmark og Sverige. Erhvervsudvekling i Öresundsregionen
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars Winther
(2005) Geografers forskningsbidrag til det Øresundsregionale udviklingsprojekt : proceedings fra symposium juni 2004.11.22, Kulturgeografiska skrifter, bind 14 p.35-52
Book chapterLong Term Growth in Time and Space. Method and Indicative Evidence from the Swedish Manufacturing Industry 1968 - 2002
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander, Martin Henning
Conference paperÖresundsregionens industriella struktur och dynamik
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars Winther
(2004) Handbok för näringslivsutvecklare. Nyckel till ett integrerat näringsliv i Öresund
Book chapterBetween Sweden and Denmark: The Industrial Dynamics of the Öressund Region
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars Winther
(2003) Paper presented at the RSA annual conference, Pisa 12.15 April 2003 , p.52-53
Conference paperI korsdrag mellan Danmark och Sverige. Öresundsregionens industriella struktur och dynamik
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars Winther
(2002) På jakt efter Öresundsregionen , p.41-64
Book chapterDen glömda strukturcykeln. Ny syn på industrins regionala tillväxt och omvandling
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(2001) Rapporter och Notiser
ReportIndustriens struktur i Öresund. Status och utveckling
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars Winther
(2001) Forskningsrapporter
Conference paperUniversity and firms
Karl-Johan Lundquist
(2000) Paper presented at the Interattional Uddevalla Symposium 2000
Conference paperNärhet och vida nätverk. Om företagens konkurrensförmåga i ett regionalvetenskapligt perspektiv
Ola Jonsson, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(1999) Rapport, Rapport 112
BookFirms, regions and competitiveness: a broad-brush approach
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(1999) Geografiska Annaler. Series B. Human Geography, 81 B p.145-163
Journal articleUniversities and regional development: A reasearch proposal
Kerstin Cederlund, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Gunnar Törnqvist, Maria Wikhall
(1999) Rivista Geografica Italiana, 106 p.261-291
Journal articleRegional Economies: a Threat to the Nation-State?
Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(1999) CFE Working Paper Series ; 3
Working paperGeografisk närhet och ekonomisk integration. Gränsregioners konkurrenskraft och exportmönster
Karl-Johan Lundquist
(1998) Öresundssymposiet 1998, Öresundssymposiet 1998: Hur en region nybildas
Conference paperNära skjuter en hare? Om närhet och konkurrenskraft
Ola Jonsson, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(1998) Svensk Geografisk årsbok. Årg 74 , p.125-152
Book chapterIndustrins konkurrenskraft och regionen
Ola Jonsson, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(1997) Lokal utveckling för regional omvandling
ReportFöretag, regioner och internationell konkurrens : Om regionala resursers betydelse
Karl-Johan Lundquist
(1996) Meddelanden från Lunds universitets geografiska institution. Avhandlingar
DissertationRegionen och den internationella konkurrenskraften
Ola Jonsson, Karl-Johan Lundquist, Lars-Olof Olander
(1996) Rapporter R