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Maria Andrea Nardi

Maria Andrea Nardi


Maria Andrea Nardi

Constructing agro-ecology in Northeast Argentina. Food production and local farmers’ markets in the province of Misiones


  • Andrea Nardi

Summary, in English

In my presentation I will seek to describe, analyse and reflect on the challenges and opportunities of agroecology in the province of province of Misiones, Northeaster Argentina, and the territorial dynamics generated from the promotion of a particular way to produce and trade food. My focus will be on the discourses and practices around food production for family consumption and for local markets and about ecological agriculture (or agro-ecology): its promises and constrains to be implemented. What kind of territorial dynamics are put forward by these new ideas and practices of agriculture production, environmental concern and small-scale agriculture? More specifically, what kind of society - nature relation is intended to be constructed and what does it means in terms of space - power production? In order to do so, I will explain the importance attributed to the discourse and practice of food production and agro-ecology by local actors and how they link it to poverty reduction and sustainable rural development. I present the actors involved, their discourses, practices and contradictions. I take into consideration as well the constraints to put forward this project and the construction of an ‘alternative rural development’. The food production proposal in Misiones takes place and need to be understood in the context of internationalization of the provincial economy and landscape (international agreements of biodiversity preservation) among other processes that link the local economies and politics to international interests (“globalization”). The advance of international capitals in the forestry and tourism sectors along with the increase in tobacco plantation commanded by international tobacco corporation and the end of public land to be occupied by family farmers have created different conflicts over natural resources (particularly land) that the alternative strategies of rural development and food production seek to address.


  • Institutionen för kulturgeografi och ekonomisk geografi






Konferensbidrag: abstract


  • Social and Economic Geography


  • agroecology
  • Argentina
  • territorial dynamics
  • food production

Conference name

Agricultural Research for Development Conference Agriculture for Food Security Post 2015

Conference date

2016-09-23 - 2016-09-24

Conference place

Uppsala, Sweden




  • Rural Development and Territorial Dynamics in the Province of Misiones, Argentina